Fall in the Tetons: Don’t Blink!

The river produces mist during cool fall nights and it filters throughout the valley creating mystical morningsFall is a fleeting season in Jackson Hole. One morning you wake up and the aspen and cottonwood trees have suddenly turned to gold, the air has become clear and crisp, the river fills the valley with mist and fog, and evenings make the mountains blush with pink.

The drama of the landscape simply amplifies the drama of the animals. Bull elk are bugling their love songs, hoping to win over a large harem of cow elk. Everyone is eating the last of the summer’s bounty in preparation for the long, lean winter months ahead. And those who can, are on the move to warmer climes.

Cottonwoods all decked out in fall colorsAnd in the blink of an eye, the march of the seasons will bring us quickly into winter.






A pair of trumpeter swans glide across a golden pond

Geese head south hoping to find warm weather during the winter








A distinct change in the sunlight over the valley tells you it’s fall